Google Introduces AI- Powered Hunt Ads

Struggling to create high-performing search ads? Google's got your back! Dive into their latest AI-powered features designed to streamline ad creation, boost relevance, and acquire new customers. Discover how to leverage automatic asset generation and a new customer acquisition goal to maximize your campaign success. Get ready to see your conversions soar!


Haider Irfan

3/3/20212 دقيقة قراءة

Micro Chip with AI written on it
Micro Chip with AI written on it

Google recently announced a set of new tools leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the performance of search advertisements. These advancements aim to streamline the process for businesses to connect with their target audience by staying ahead of evolving search trends and consumer behavior. Google Ads is implementing several changes designed to promote greater creativity and achieve better results for advertising campaigns.

Generating New Assets with Google's AI

One of the new features is the ability to automatically generate ad assets using Google's AI technology. Google strives to ensure that the most relevant ad is delivered to the right user at the right time. This is achieved through a wide range of creative assets. However, developing fresh headlines and descriptions can be a time-consuming task. To address this challenge, Google introduced the ability to automatically generate ad assets at their previous Google Marketing Live event. This feature allows responsive search ads to display the most effective combinations of assets, including newly generated ones based on the unique context of the ad, such as the landing page.

These automatically generated assets are now available in English for all advertisers as part of an open beta program. Early adopters have reported a 2% increase in conversions at a comparable cost per conversion among ad groups utilizing responsive search ads.

Additionally, this update incorporates the following changes:

  • Ad Strength will now consider both automatically generated and existing assets when determining a rating.

  • Automatically generated assets will leverage provided inputs such as keywords to customize headlines and improve their relevance to the search query.

  • Any automatically generated asset that you prefer not to include in your advertisements can be easily removed.

New Customer Acquisition Goal

Google has also rolled out a new customer acquisition goal specifically for search campaigns. This feature allows marketers to effortlessly establish a consistent pipeline of new customers through the combined power of Smart Bidding and first-party data. By integrating this new customer acquisition goal with bidding strategies like Maximize conversion value with a target ROAS (Return On Ad Spend), marketers can prioritize and acquire new customers who hold greater value for their business.

The new customer acquisition goal offers two distinct modes:

  • Value New Customers More: This mode prioritizes conversions from new customers over existing customers.

  • New Customers Only: This mode bids exclusively for new customers.


These new features from Google Ads, including automatically generated assets and customer acquisition goals, empower marketers to enhance the relevance of their advertisements, connect with new customers, and ultimately achieve a significant boost in campaign performance. The official release of these updates is expected in the coming weeks.